Cover Artwork: Anita Trevi

Cecile's fascination with human behaviour, combined with her passion for travel, take her female protagonists on an internal as well as external journey of discovery and empowerment.
With a background in psychology and Personality Temperament, Cecile develops characters who tackle dilemmas in their own unique way.
She has won first prize for two flash fiction stories: On my Merits and Not So Cocky Now. (posted on Blog) She has also won first prize in the World Writers Collective's 'Saddest Story' competition, with The Drama of Dying
As a poet, she writes about
themes which affect all our lives: family, nature, gratitude...

ABOUT cecile's StorIES
Child Magical: A Memoir follows the adventures of a three-year-old, who travels halfway around the world by the time she is five five
Love on a Faultline is a hero's journey via a story that feels like an educational memoir generously shared by the female protagonist.
Its aim is to help women understand and break free from a toxic relationship.
Dilemmas of a Middle-aged Madonna
Spurned by the love of her life, Jessica contemplates walking into the ocean and drowning. A chance meeting leads to a sequence of events which turn her life around. This story lurches from tragedy to comedy to romance, as our female protagonist navigates the challenges that life hurls at her.

Love on a Faultline
Cecile writes lucidly and succinctly, and her making sense of the material in terms of Jung and others is interesting and intriguing.
Because she writes so intelligently and tries so valiantly to make sense rather than condemn, it is easy to sympathise with both protagonists and imagine oneself with the same dilemmas ...
She tells a good story in the sense that the reader is always wondering what is coming next.
Dr Peter Wigg, Psychiatrist
Dear Cecile,
Truthfully, I finished this gorgeous book the day it landed in my hands, from the second I began I could not stop. The messages conveyed, paired with simple flow, was genuinely divine.
The best way to summarise what I personally have acquired is that I feel understood (which, as a young woman, is something I not often get to say) rather than feeling silenced by experiences that are seemingly too complex to discuss and be comprehended by those surrounding me - relationships can feel isolating. It’s as though something previously silenced has been gifted… words, a story.
I thank you so deeply for sharing this story, it is one I will treasure for many many years but also one I hope can be shared with more. The wisdom you’ve passed is a true gift, one that I would like to share with those close to me and beyond; to enable them to delve into the same issues as I have.
It would be a great privilege to have you as a guest speaker; I will be back in contact with you regarding this!
Thank you.
Kind regards,
Aged 19
'I’ve finished Love on a Faultline and absolutely loved it. So beautifully written, and such an important topic. I can think of several friends who I know would benefit from reading this.
Hope the editing for Dilemmas of a Middle-aged Madonna is coming along well! If it’s anything like Love on Faultline it’s going to be amazing.'
Aged 30