Dilemmas of a Middle-aged madonna
Jessica Vale sat on the warm sand, staring at the pristine water of Trinity Beach. This had been her sanctuary—the most idyllic place in the world. Tears welled as she gazed at the waves caressing the shore. Their seductive rhythm beckoned. How soothing it would be to rest forever in their comforting embrace—free of the unbearable pain that pierced her heart.
She flicked at the sand with her foot.
Christ! When did my life become a Mills and Boon novel?
Her mind drifted back eighteen months, when she'd purchased the shore-front holiday house as an escape from the dilemma she faced in Melbourne. Two years ago Jake had become cruel and distant. Where once she saw lust in his eyes, she now saw loathing. Away from the humdrum of everyday life of Melbourne she'd hoped to entice his spirit back to her. She imagined them strolling to the beach in the early morning to take a quick dip, before returning to sit on the terrace for a leisurely breakfast. Afterwards, in the heat of the day, they would lose themselves in lovemaking before falling asleep in each other’s arms.
The dream had dissolved when the man who’d been her lover and best mate for half her life refused to come away with her. She’d hope to rekindle his passion on what would have been the twentieth anniversary of the first time they’d made love.
Jessica bit hard on her trembling lip and threw a plea to the universe:
Why can’t you send someone who will cherish me?

Dilemmas of a Middle-aged Madonna.
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